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9000 Watson Rd
St Louis, MO, 63126
United States


Boardwalk Hardwood Floor is a hardwood flooring supplier that sells prefinished hardwood flooring, unfinished hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, cork, leather, hand scraped and wire brushed flooring.

2024 Warehouse Sale Specials

2024 Warehouse Sale Extra Specials - Some items may have limited availability and are sold first come/first serve. Items will be added as manufactures send additional specials.

All flooring is on sale - the items on this page are "extra specials" from our suppliers.

Coastal Sand - 7 1/2" Engineered White Oak - $3.99 PSF ($7.99 Retail)

Silver Oak Coastal Sand Thumb Web Assets.jpg
Silver Oak Coastal Sand Room Web Assets.jpg
Silver Oak Coastal Sand Top View Web Assets.jpg
Artisan Home Lakehouse Room Web Assets.jpg
Silver Oak Coastal Sand Thumb Web Assets.jpg
Silver Oak Coastal Sand Room Web Assets.jpg
Silver Oak Coastal Sand Top View Web Assets.jpg
Artisan Home Lakehouse Room Web Assets.jpg

Coastal Sand - 7 1/2" Engineered White Oak - $3.99 PSF ($7.99 Retail)



D & M Hardwood Flooring




White Oak


Coastal Sand


Wire Brushed

Profiles Available:

1/2” x 7.5” x 75” (Random Length)

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