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9000 Watson Rd
St Louis, MO, 63126
United States


Boardwalk Hardwood Floor is a hardwood flooring supplier that sells prefinished hardwood flooring, unfinished hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, cork, leather, hand scraped and wire brushed flooring.

Locations & Hours

All showrooms are open to the public. You can schedule an appointment via the link on our home page or walk into the store. We are now open Tuesday evenings for Appointments only until 7:00 pm.

South County - 9000 Watson Road - Crestwood, MO 63126

P. 314-849-0369 - F. 314-849-6709

Hours - Hours - Monday - Friday: 10-5 / Sat - 9-4

St. Charles County - 3022 Mid-Rivers Mall Drive -  St. Peters, MO 63376

P. 636-397-1973 - F. 314-849-6709

Hours - Monday - Friday: 10-5 / Sat - 9-4

West County - 14325 Manchester Road - Manchester, MO 63011

P. 636-207-1974- F. 314-849-6709

Hours - Monday - Friday: 10-5 / Sat - 9-4

Mid County 1507 Woodson Road - St. Louis, MO 63114

P. 314-806-2021 - F. 314-849-6709

Outlet Store Hours - M-F - 9-5

Warehouse - 9000 Watson Road - Crestwood, MO 63126

P. 314-849-0369 - F. 314-849-6709

Hours - M - F - 10-5 / Sat - 9-4

Design Center - 1507 Woodson Road - St. Louis, MO 63114

P. 314-806-2021 - F. 314-849-6709

Hours - Appointment Only

Commercial Sales & Specifications

Amanda Rieffer -

Interior Design & Builder Sales

Jill Sprehe -