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9000 Watson Rd
St Louis, MO, 63126
United States


Boardwalk Hardwood Floor is a hardwood flooring supplier that sells prefinished hardwood flooring, unfinished hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, cork, leather, hand scraped and wire brushed flooring.

Premier Anthracite


Your ultimate flooring. Beautiful. Durable. Waterproof floors.

From Homes to Hotels
With EverWood and EverTile, the beautiful floor you see now is exactly what you will enjoy for years to come. For the home it is elegant and contemporary, with remarkable long-life durability that will accommodate even the high-traffic needs of commercial spaces like hotels or restaurants. EverWood and EverTile are the ultimate in fashion and performance.

Premier Anthracite


Premier Anthracite



Torlys Smart Floors






WPC - Waterproof Core Vinyl - 

• Low-gloss ceramic without the coldness. • Clean lines, modern styles are perfect for any space. • Warm, quiet and comfortable. A beautiful, refreshing change for any room. • 0.5mm (20 mils) wear layer. • 4-sided bevels. • CorkPlus attached cork underlay with Microban® antimicrobial product protection.

Profiles and Widths Available

5/16” (thickness) x 11-1/2” (width) x 23-5/8” (length)

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