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9000 Watson Rd
St Louis, MO, 63126
United States


Boardwalk Hardwood Floor is a hardwood flooring supplier that sells prefinished hardwood flooring, unfinished hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, cork, leather, hand scraped and wire brushed flooring.

2025 Home Show Clearance Items

2025 Home Show Inventory Clearance Items

First Come/First Serve with paid in full invoice

Limited quantities - pricing only for available quantities

Hunter's Mill Espresso - Sale Price - $2.77 PSF ( Retail - $6.99 PSF) - SOLD OUT
sold out
Tuscany Wide Nicciola Thumb Web Assets.jpg
Nicciola - 7 1/2" Handscraped Engineered Hickory - $2.92 PSF ($7.99 Retail) - 206.08 Sq. Ft. Available
Tuscany Wide Pinoli Thumb Web Assets.jpg
Pinoli - 7 1/2" Hand Scraped Engineered Hickory - $2.92 PSF ($7.99 Retail) - 489.44 Available
Silver Oak Coastal Sand Thumb Web Assets.jpg
Coastal Sand - 7 1/2" Engineered White Oak - $2.92 PSF ($7.99 Retail) - 155.5 Available
Artisan Home Caviar Top View Web Assets.jpg
Caviar - 5" Engineered White Oak - $2.92 PSF ($7.99 PSF Retail) - 3309 Available
Orchard 4" Wide Special Buy (17101) - $2.92 PSF (Retail - $7.99) - Sold Out
sold out
Cache Ozark River Hickory - $3.32 PSF - 344.4 Sq. Ft. available
Hunter's Mill Hazelnut - Sale Price $3.72 PSF (Retail - $6.21) - 719.94 Available
Pacific Pecan Random Width - Sepia - Sale Price $3.99 PSF (Retail - $6.29) - 403.90 Available
Barnes Mill Harbor - $3.99 PSF (Retail - $8.99 PSF) - 2683.96 Availalbe
Barnes Mill Cider - $3.99 PSF (Retail - $8.99 PSF) - Sold Out
sold out
Barnes Mill Robson - $3.99 PSF (Retail - $8.99 PSF) - 240.02 Available
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Prater's Mill Cider - Sale Price $4.12 PSF (Retail - $6.99) - Sold Out
sold out
Prater's Mill Greystone - Sale Price $4.12 PSF (Retail - $6.99) - 720.05 Available
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Prater's Mill Sorrell - Sale Price $4.12 PSF (Retail - $6.99) - Sold Out
sold out
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3 1/4" Nile Hickory Shorts - $4.12 PSF (Retail - $6.49) - 2400 Available
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4 1/4" Nile Hickory Shorts - $4.47 PSF (Retail - $6.99) - 5454 Available
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3 1/4" Wire brushed Kahlua Red Oak - $5.05 PSF ($8.48 Retail PSF) - 946 Available
Savoie Plank - French White Oak - Sale Price $5.05 PSF - (Retail $9.01) - 488.88 Sq. Ft. Available
4" Natural Hickory - $5.05 PSF (Retail - $8.99 PSF) - 551.04 Available
5" Natural Handscraped Hickory - $5.32 PSF (Retail - $8.99 PSF) - 120.27 Available
5" Natural Hickory - $5.32 PSF (Retail - $9.25 PSF) - 264.66 Available
Smooth Maple Nova Pearl_LR.jpg
4 1/4" Nova Maple - $5.32 PSF ($7.99 Retail) - 900 Available
Nouvelle Plank - French White Oak - Sale Price $5.72 PSF (Retail - $8.89) - 6286.16 Available
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3-4-5" Pioneer Cabin Hickory - Sale Price - $5.82 PSF ($9.18 Retail) - 3052 Sq. Ft. Available
Picard Plank - French White Oak - Sale Price $5.99 PSF (Retail - $9.01 PSF) - 2147.58 Available
7" Natural Hickory - $5.99 PSF (Retail - $9.99 PSF) - 733.15 Available
7" Natural Handscraped Hickory - $5.99 PSF (Retail - $9.99 PSF) - 733.15 Available
7.5" Palladio Beach - $6.57 PSF - 517 SQ FT AVAILABLE
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4 1/4" Olympus Sculpted Hickory - $6.79 PSF ($9.75 Retail) - 1044 Available
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4 1/4" Solid Wire Brushed Red Oak - Sand Dune- $6.79 PSF - (Retail Price - $8.95 PSF) - 630 Sq. Ft. Available
Apollo - XL Flooring Loose Lay Vinyl - $3.05 PSF ($4.71 Retail) - 2190.2 Available
Harvest Moon - XL Flooring Loose Lay Vinyl - $3.05 PSF ($4.71 Retail) - 2236.8 Available
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Stoney Creek - XL Flooring Loose Lay Vinyl - $3.05 PSF ($4.71 Retail) - 1025.2 Available
Drumheller Dusk- XL Flooring Loose Lay Vinyl - $3.05 PSF ($4.71 Retail) - 893.5 Available
Cortland - XL Flooring Loose Lay Vinyl - $3.13 PSF ($5.09 Retail) - 1281.5 Available
Zanzibar - XL Flooring Loose Lay Vinyl - $3.23 PSF ($5.09 Retail) - 862.10 Available
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Petrified Wood Sink - $995.00 - 5 Available - Overland Location Only